“If you are a dreamer,come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hoper, a prayer, a magic-bean-buyer. If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire, for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in!” ~Shel Silverstein
As most of you (those who read my post regularly) know, I got my band in
August on 08. I have had troubles with restriction. I am on my 4th fill now
finally have the restriction that I have needed all alone. Up until this
Wednesday, I wasn't hardly losing any weight and what weight I was
losing, I had
to lose with self control.I have a 14cc band and I have have
9cc in it so far. I
thought until my last doctors visit, the band was going
to be another one of
those things I have tried and it just wasnt going to
work. When I weighed in at
the doctors office, for the first time, I weighed
267lbs. I lost 15lbs the first
2 weeks after getting my band and I was so
excited. After that, I would stall
and then lose very very slowly. When I
weighed in on Wednesday, I weighed 229,
thats without my shoes and socks on
and taking 2lbs off for clothes. I weighed
this morning, no clothes on at
all and I now weigh 221lbs.I am finally losing
again and I am so happy.
Today is Valentines day, my husband ask me what I want
today and all I can
think of is, I want another pair of pants cause the size 22s
that I have
been wearing, they are becoming a bit baggy on me. THAT FEELS SO
TOO!!My point today is this. For all of you banders who think the band
working for you, give it time, it will start to work. Just have faith in
When you think of giving up or just sneaking that cookie, DONT DO IT. Kepp
me in mind, I have been through hell I have been depressed, I have cried, I
thrown things, I have cussed this band around my stomach. But now, I am
happy, I
am losing weight, changing pant sizes again, looking better and
feeling better.
Big difference huh....no pun intended:)