I have no clever title. I have no clever introductory sentence.
Damn it. I hate it when that happens.
I have been thinking about my bloggers these last few days. I wondered how my fellow American's lapbanders and dieters held up during Thanksgiving day meals. I found comfort in the fact that last year I am happier and healthier than last year. I ate slow. I only PB'd once in the last 6 days.
I weighed in today at 168.
I am content.
My mind and thoughts are scattered, but I didnt want another day to pass without blogging, so I will let them spill out and you can do with them what you will.
You will be happy to know that last weekend, I did indeed hang the Christmas lights outdoors. I didnt go crazy, but enough to feel in the spirit. I don't think I will put up my Christmas tree after all. And I am okay with that. It would feel like an impostor in the house right now. Next year, it will take it's rightful place in our home.
We spent the last 5 nights in Defuniak Springs with Heather's family. I always come back with fabulous stories and a desire to return. I have a GREAT hunting story, which may be better vlog material...
keep your fingers crossed.
Thanksgiving morning, Heather and most of the family went hunting. I stayed behind to help Granny get the food ready for lunch. It's crazy how different families have different types of foods that make up their traditional table landscape during the holidays. For example, I have never had a Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, and corn. But at the Gaineys, there were collards, 4 different kinds of fresh beans, sliced tomatoes, and apparently, a variety of "southern" staples.
I didn't eat very much. But I never really do on Thanksgiving. With or without the band. After lunch, I went hunting with everyone else. That morning...I snuck off to Walmart and bought me some camo gear. Including camo boots from the childrens department. A boys size 4. They were precious!
So for the next few days, we hunted and familied it up.
Saturday we went to the Florida State/Florida game in Tallahassee. Heather is a huge Gator fan...and now by default, I of course route for them too. If you don't follow college football, just know this. We got our ass beat. By a team that for 6 years prior...well...they have been "rebuilding". We still had a great time though!
It was a wee bit chilly in the morning...oooh..you can almost see my camo boots here...

I'm doing a baby Gator chomp.

Yesterday on our way home from Defuniak, we took the long way, which took us through Destin, Florida. Home of beautiful beaches, tourists, and shopping. It was Heather's idea to go shopping, which...let me just say...is a RARE RARE day when my little sugarplum wants to spend money. But shopping we went.
And we bought a little vacation to the Smoky Mountains. It was through BassPro, and they are going to try to sell us a timeshare, but we booked 2 nights, 3 days at a resort...for a total of $99 and we got 4 $25 gift cards to BassPro for doing so. We have been talking about getting away, from everything and everyone, for our Christmas present. And so the week of Christmas, before we go to my parents, we will go to Tennessee. I am super excited and hoping for snow. I can't wait to have nothing to do except...
you know :)
Heather also bought me a pair of jeans. She wanted to buy me a purse, or shoebooties (bc I say that all the time....try it. SHOEBOOTIE! It's just fun), or a pair of jeans.
I can't explain it, but it is really hard for me to let someone buy me something. Even if it IS my girlfriend. I don't want her to spend money on me. But, after a little lecture about how I shouldn't pass up the one time when she is like "buy something, get something"...we went to the Buckle for a pair of jeans.
I don't even know what size I wear when they are not size 12, 10, etc. So the cute little sales girl helped me out.
I ended up with a pair of 30's. Whatever that means. I will take a picture. They are officially the most expensive pair of jeans that I have ever owned. And for $104...I will make sure I don't outgrow those suckers.
It really was a great end to a great few days. More than anything, having time with someone you love is the best present ya know?
So back to the grind today. I have a feeling the month of December is going to fly by!
Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
Love ya's!