Monday, April 26, 2010

Eyeroll: The Weigh In

Are you ready?

I mean really ready for what I am about to tell you? This is the kind of news that makes you hug your children closer, call you life partners and tell them you love them, and check your rations in your storm shelters.

It's bad.

In fact, it's worse than Band Babes pictures of her 13 pound skin removal.

Last weeks weigh in gave me a weight of 189.5. For four days, Monday through Thursday, I was the perfect bandster. No snacking. Protein meals. Working out.

For 3 days I ate lots of snacks whilst boating and relaxing. My meals weren't that bad, and I even worked out a little.

I gained....

6.5 pounds

Yes. I said it. 6.5 pounds! In 3 days. Over a weekend? Come ON!

OMG. WTF. KJOIUJLOJK LKJ and every other abbreviation you can think of.

Now I KNOW that I couldn't have gained 6.5 pounds in fat. REGARDLESS! That is beyond stupid. Shocking.

I haven't pooped since Wednesday. Could it be that I am literally full of shit?


Well, what can a girl do? I am pulling up my big girl panties and soldiering on. I want those damn pounds gone THIS WEEK. And I want 2 more on top of it.



  1. It sounds like CRAP and a whole lotta water is what you need!

    Hanging with the Mama always brings back bad food choices for me too! It does not matter how old you are.....

    Love ya!

  2. ughhhhhh! worst feeling. get your ass back on track and I bet at least half of it is gone by tomorrow, rough stuff but this band is with us forever, and this is just a bump. or a hump. i like humps better.

  3. Ouch Amy. You must have really gone to town. But don't worry, one good loo visit and you'll drop half of that - the other half will fly off (or out) over the next few days. Guaranteed!! xxxx

  4. Ugh!! That is the worst. I bet that it will just fall right away from you. Isn't it your TOM of the month too? Not that I keep track but you did post about it last week....LOL. Maybe that is attributing to it as well???

  5. I'm thinking that CRAP(ping) will help take out at least 2 of those pounds... It'll come! Be patient and get back on that good-band-girl wagon!!!

  6. OMG, I don't know weather to laugh or cry for you. One way or the other you will rid yourself of that 6.5 lbs of poo.

  7. That sucks!! I really wish we could get a 'get out of jail free pass' with our bodies. Ya know just say hey there bod, this weekend I want to get a little crazy, snack a little, relax and enjoy life, so if ya could please just stay at the weight you are so I don't have to come home and be grumpy and try to manage some damage control!! But no0o0o0o, it doesn't work that way - good luck, I'm sure by the end of the week it will all have disappeared!

  8. better go take a big poo!!! lol

  9. That's annoying (but it'll be off soon).

    But I'm glad you had fun. Your pics are so pretty!!!

  10. Dont are probably at least 2 lbs full of And you are not alone! i've been posting about my struggles and how I would work on being better about my eating choices and dammit if I didnt gain 2 lbs this weekend and I couldnt even really eat! I had a horrible food weekend with lots of PB-ing but the slider stuff never came back up. You will be fine and get those 6.5 + 2 lbs off in no time. You have been so consistant with your losing you deserve a break every now and then.

  11. OH NO!! You will get it off this week I am sure of it. Keep your head straight. Its your honesty that I love. Your pictures were great by the way.

  12. Sounds like the poop is the culprit. Maybe that and water retention from salt?

    Drink tons of water and try Get Regular or Smooth Move tea. It really does work!

  13. Def full of shit! Literally! Make it a fiber day!

    it looks like you had an awesome time though! Maybe not worth 6.5 pounds but worth 1 or 2 for sure!

  14. Oh you poor thing. Since Wednesday? There's gotta be three pounds in there. Maybe some colace and fiber and if things really don't get moving a little Miralax in your diet sunkist?

    Good luck. I know it sucks, but I also know you'll turn that frown upside down in no time.

  15. Big Girl Panties! Pull em up.

    You are the master of the big ass loss, you can do 8 pounds in a week! Its all water and poop anyway!

  16. Laxatives are your friend. LMAO!

    I think you might also have some swelling from water weight, doesn't that happen from being on a boat? Hell, just blame everything you can and curse it to never return when you're working it off this week. This has happened before in Amy's past, don't forget. And reversing the situation has happened just as many times.


  17. Yes Amy you get a (((HUG))) and a big one. I blame that devil scale. It definitely has it in for you. Or maybe you body hasn't adjusted to the land yet. You were out in the water a long time and it did take Ariel time to adjust to her legs when she traded in her mermaid fin. Yea thats it!!

    Now when you get home from work go let some of that stuff out and I'm sure it will all go away.

    Luvs you and WELCOME BACK!!!

  18. ok kiddo. I am in the medical field (NP)... as you said it- it is physically impossible to gain 6.5 lbs of fat in 3 days. It is NOT impossible to retain 6.5 lbs of waste. Not that I am keeping track either (like Leslie said), you went for your ham wallet check b/c you hadn't had Aunt Flo visit yet, right?! If you do two days of shakes/protein supplements most of that will come off in a day or two. (add some Miralax or MOM). I went to NC for 8 days a few weeks ago and gained 6 lbs while I was there. (I went "loose" as I had had an emergency unfill of 2.5cc b/c of reflux issues after a stomach bug. Got so tight I couldn't drink water). Take a deep breath and relax- it will come off. You are doing AMAZING! Love love love your pics from the trip. I have to tell you- we have the same bikini. (although I picked out different bottoms- after seeing your tan lines, glad I did!) I got mine before I saw yours, so I didn't copy you. GMTA. Hang in there~ get back on track and you will be back to "normal" in no time. peasout....Laura

  19. A girl has to let loose sometimes. I have all the confidence in the world you will lose the weight quickly. Glad you had a good time though. The pictures are great!

  20. Having read through your entire archives this weekend, it seems like your body does this to you; gains a shitload and then you lose a boatload. Or is that vice versa? ;)
    (hehehe Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.)

    Doesn't lessen the frustration even if it does happen fairly often. Up, down, up down...with a mostly downward trend. You'll get there!

  21. Ugh. That is such a crappy feeling. I'm sorry. But, you know what? You are right there is no way in hell that is fat poundage so with the same discipline you instilled last week those water weight pounds will be gone in no time.

    I too was a naughty nelly this weekend (hell...for the past 2 weeks!) and starting this morning my ass is back on track. You never cease to amaze me in the fact on how quickly you get back on track so don't beat yourself up too much.

    I'm glad that you at least had such a wonderful time with your family. I'm having a family weekend this upcoming weekend and am so excited for it. I haven't seen them since Christmas! However, I am also nervous because there is always yummy food around :(

  22. Wish I couldn't say this, but I can. I've been there. A lot of it's probably processed foods. Detox this week. Lots of H2O.

  23. Its the moon....Plus I am sure that after a hefty poop and flushing out some of excess salt and water you will be back to your svelte beautiful self...xoxox

  24. water, water, water and it might be water....

  25. Constipation is huge and a major water retainer and weight gainer. Lots of fluids!

  26. That sucks big time, but I know that since you have your big girl panties on those extra pounds don't have a chance.

  27. Shit. Literally. No but seriously, I'm sure youll get rid of it.
    Youll bust your ass this week and then show that scale who's boss.
    I have faith in you Amy!!

  28. i guess we will just have to work it extra hard tomorrow at Zumba!

  29. it has to be poop and water! maybe you can take a mild laxative or something like that to help. you will be back down as soon as it is out.
