Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mama Went Shopping

Last night, after arriving home from work...Heather and I started discussing my lack of work clothes. She then said, "Take my card and go shopping. Go buy yourself some clothes."

ah. love.

But it actually did take some convincing, because I had just got home and was perfectly happy cuddled up on the couch with her...but pulled me away.

So for the next 4 hours I tried on pants and tops and pants and tops. I ended up getting two pair of slacks. One a brown tweed and one a beautiful white. Both size 10. Then I headed to the mall and walked away with several tops to make an outfit of two. It made me feel beautiful today to wear an outfit that was put together and not falling apart.

It was a great present.

So here is one of my new outfits.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Wow! Great color on you!

  2. What a sweet gift from your love. And you look smashing. :D

  3. You are such a doll. I want to dress up in outfits and brush your hair.
    Oh, and that color is great on you! Is your hair darker?

  4. You look like a delicious chocolate mandarin dream! (I'm hungry)

  5. What a classy outfit - you look amazing! And what a sweet thing for Heather to do!

  6. You look Amazing! Heather is a keeper! i miss you both.

  7. I LOVE that color! and what a wonderful woman you have!

  8. You look FANTASTIC! Yay for love and credit cards! :)

  9. if you get any tinyer.. I wont be able to see you.

    You look MAHV!

  10. I love that color on you! Wonderful pic! and you look so good!

  11. Ahh, sweet Heather. She lets you snot on her and she buys you clothes. True love, baby, true love.

  12. WOWSERS a size 10!!!! You go girl. You look awesome as usual!! I love the coral and brown. I am seeing that right, right???

  13. You are rockin that outfit. You look so tiny! Good for you Amy!

  14. You look beautiful! Great color on you.

  15. Super cute! I had a dream the other night I had a perfect fitting pair of work pants.. and then I woke up lol

  16. Gorgeous! I wish I had someone to give me their card...if DH gives me his its the same as mine, no fun AT ALL!

    Amy, I just learned that my trainer and every other trainer at my gym is gay. Should I be worried or excited? (Just kidding, but I was amused -- I always said I wanted a trainer like yours after all!)

  17. I can't get over how TINY you are!!!!!!!

  18. WOW! I haven't been to anyone's blog since like October and man o man do you look great! Didn't really expect to see such a big difference in pictures, but I DO! Congrats! oh and cute outfit!

  19. Orange is SO your color... you should wear it everyday, and at night too (unless you're nakey!)

    BTW.... hello Skinny B!! You look super teensy tiny!!
