Friday, June 19, 2009

A Volleyball Showdown

Today we had a Safety Fair at work. This includes a volleyball showdown between departments. I watched from the sidelines last year. I played this year. I had a blast...and it was a great workout! The first game was outside. It was 98 degrees here in Florida today...without the heat index. We played at high noon. We won our first bracket. This is what I looked like after.
We played in the Championship bracket and got our butts WHOOPED! But I was still happy afterwards. Here we are with our second place medals.


  1. You'll get 'em next year Amy. Bet on it!

  2. I've never been a "sporty" girl. I was a tomboy who rode a boys' Schwinn but I couldn't throw, couldn't catch, etc. It wasn't until 5th grade that there was one teacher who decided that she would start a girls' volleyball game at lunch time. The boys would be mad they weren't allowed to play and she would just scare them off by yelling that they already had all of the other sports cornered and that the girls needed something besides hopscotch to do. My mom found out through the teacher vine a few later that she quit teaching to go into the police academy after the swell of "don't discriminate against my boy" complaints came in... her name was Mrs. Teresa. I don't even think she had a last name, but I loved that she taught me that there was a sport for me. A few years later I was skateboarding, never perfect at it or as good as volleyball, but that was my second sport to attempt being graceful at. Volleyball! These pictures make me wish that I could go play right now!
