Last night I convinced a couple of my coworkers to go to Zumba with me. I havent gone in at least a year, and they were both Zumba virgins. You may remember Lisa, my former biggest loser partner at work (she lost 30 pounds during those 3 months and went from a size 8/10 to a 2/4...and this means she gives me all of her "old" clothes...which I love. She has a heap load of 8's to give me...once I get there). Wayne was the only guy in a sea of about 50 women. I am letting Lisa wear my jingly skirt bc it makes everything better. Both of them will be purchasing one for next week.
I decided to go to Zumba again because I am on a quest to up my cardio game. Because my little love muffins, we all know that the old cliche phrases of : If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result...well, we know deep down inside that those are true (at least 99% of the time). I can't expect to lose more weight if I keep doing what has been maintaining my weight for a year.
So, off to Zumba I went. And sweet jingle jangle, I forgot how intense the cardio is! It's even harder than running for me. Within about 2 minutes snot was flying out of my nose, my non-waterproof mascara (don't buy mascara when you are in a hurry) was running and I looked like a sweaty Cleopatra, and I am pretty sure I was moments away from a heart attack.
But I prevailed.
And Lisa and Wayne loved it so much we are going every Tuesday night. Awesome.
I also have a new running app that almost makes me want to run more. You could use it for walking as well.
It's the Nike + GPS app and it costs $1.99. I have had several free versions before and found them lacking or inaccurate. This app lets you build playlists right into it, talks to you if you want, you can sync with Facebook and it updates your facebook when you hit milestones and people can cheer for you and it tells you (I havent used that feature). My favorite thing is it tracks your route and your pace. You can see mine above. Its color coded. The dark dark red is where I stopped to tie my shoes, and the lighter red/yellow is where I was dying and hoping for a flying carpet to return me to home.
Its kinda fun though. Like a game.
I have several meetings this afternoon, and I would rather wrap myself in barbwire and fry pork skins in a vat of grease naked, but I will persevere! It's a three day weekend coming up for most of us. I intend on abstaining from the hooch (beer, not diet sunkist), running at least once and doing hot yoga Saturday morning.
Kisses until next time!