Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Blogger Alert: A correction

And they say no good deed goes unpunished.

I have never really understood what that meant.  Does it mean that if you do a good deed you WILL be punished?  I am confused.

But I said it anyways.

A couple of days ago I linked you to a blogger (a little Canadian songstress) and then she CHANGED her blog hosting site so she would be like more of us.  SO, here is the new link to a newly banded lady. 

Click here


  1. Even if the gays can't legally marry, I will marry you anyway. In an officiant sort of way. XO!

  2. Thank you, dearest Amy...if I'd known all about this "following" and "commenting" thing, I would have changed it before I gave it to you!! A dozen "Mea Culpa's" and a huge thank you for re-linking me...I really appreciate it. And thanks for welcoming me to the club! I love it here! [and pssst: it's WAAAAY cooler than Don't tell!] Big Canadian smooches!
