Thursday, April 30, 2009
Are You Ready For A Slow Down?
What is the minimum number of calories you should consume to avoid metabolic slowdown? How can you combat a slow metabolism?
The medical field is pretty sure now that when caloric intake drops down to around 1100-1200 calories per day, human metabolism will slow down. This is a natural, evolutionary response. Think back to the Caveman again. When humans had to scavenge for food that was not always readily available, our bodies became very efficient at storing energy in the form of fat to tide us through times when we might not be able to eat much for a few days. When food became scarce, our metabolism would slow down in order to conserve energy, at least until food became plentiful again.
Typically your body will go into this energy-conserving mode if you drop your caloric intake to around 1100-1200 calories per day. Since a well-adjusted Lap-Band should take you down to around this amount, your body will want to go into hibernation mode. Your job is to keep this from happening. How do you do this, you ask? With two simple steps:·Make sure you are getting the best nutrition you can. This means eating real food, avoiding empty calories, preparing fresh meals, and buying organic foods whenever possible. This will give your body all of the micronutrients and building blocks it needs to perform its normal daily chemical reactions that keep us feeling good.·
Exercise. This will keep your metabolism going by releasing natural hormones that control our “fight or flight” response. Ever heard of a “runner’s high?” Sometimes getting started with an exercise routine is tough, but think back about how great you felt after a work out—not just the feeling of accomplishing something, but how energized and alert you were. That’s a natural response. It had very little to do with your expensive gym equipment, your personal trainer with rock hard abs, or your perfectly set iPod tunes. It had everything to do with what a wonderful machine the human body is.
Joke of the Day
He got Chirpes.
And the worst part? It was un-tweetable!
Sizing Things Up
Then in my shopping quest for something to wear to Thunderbeach, I tried on some 22 shorts at Lane Bryant. They fit!
Some things in Old Navy are actually starting to fit (tops).
It's a good feeling. I havent been a size 20 in about 7 years. And I was only there very briefly. So once I get to a size 18...I wont even know what to do with myself.
What are some other NSV's I would like to see.
Leader of the Pack

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I want these shorts

Phenomenal Woman
by Maya Angelou
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them
They think I'm telling lies.
I say, It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say, It's the fire in my eyes
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing of my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can't see.
I say It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say, It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman Phenomenally.
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm Choosing My Attitude!

I then kicked the scale. I was like the John McEnroe of the scales. So...I stomped my foot and to the shower.
Standing in the shower, letting the water rinse the scale shame off me I decided I would choose my attitude today.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My Reverse Body Dysmorphic Disorder Rears it Head
For example, today I was standing on the beach looking out at the water. I felt like a super model. To others on the beach...I probably looked fat. But I didnt feel it. THEN I came home and downloaded the pictures and I couldnt find my skinny self in any of them! I think it's because the camera adds 10-100 pounds.
Whatever. I told you guys I would have pictures so here they come. When we first got to the beach there was hardly anyone there! Here is tiny Tracey on the big ol' beach.
Friday, April 24, 2009
We have a new bandster!
So for those of you who havent read her blog yet...and you are just toodling on blogger right now...go tell her Congrats!
And then we can all sing kumbaya and hold hands....
and sing....
Sunshine and Puppy Dogs
I will have to swim by myself. Tracey, like most Floridians, believe that the water must be 80+ degrees before they can get in it. I, like most native-Kansans, think anything above 67 is tolerable. I just hope those damn jellyfish arent invading the beach...they suck. Actually they sting. hahahahah....
But we take lots of pictures at the beach, so that should be fun. I dont have any pictures of me in my new I see lots of modeling shoots in the forecast.
Then we are going to grab a hamburger at SurfBurger! The yummiest local hamburger joint on the beach. I will have to do it without a bun of course...and not get too excited that I shovel the meat down my hatch.
So Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. And even if you don' about it anyways!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I knew it plays a role in being tired and weak, but I did some quick research and here are some symptoms of a B-12 deficiency:
feeling weak or tired
pale appearance to the lining of lower eyelids
palpitations, fast or irregular heartbeat
faintness & breathlessness
hair loss (WHAT!!! If I had known this I would have been taking them for sure)
bruising without reason
long or unusual menstrual periods
These are my easiest pills to take bc they dissolve under my tongue and taste just fine! Sorta grapey.
Flintstones....Meet the Flintstones
I hate the chewables and would rather swallow them...but doc says must chew. Do you guys chew or swallow? (LOL...sounds bad).
Also, I havent been taking my B-12 sublinguals. Do you guys do the sublinguals or get the shot?
I am going to try to take all of these on a regular basis for the next 2 weeks, so when I go in for my fill...if I am still exhausted during the least we can rule out lack of nutrition.
AND, since my hair has been falling out...I thought maybe these might help. I dunno.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
You know you are a banster when...
One thing about blogger....
For example.
If I post on Angie's Blog.
And then Angie responds to me on her blog.
I have no way of knowing unless I go check that specific entry on Angie's blog.
Which...I have started doing.
But I would like blogger to do it for me.
Who should I call? Oprah? Obama? Octomom? Someone has GOT to have some influence.
Toodling on LBT can be scary!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
So, thanks to everyone who is blogging. You help get me through my day. People ask me if I know anyone who has had lapband, and I say "not in real life", but I have you imaginary friends.
Did anyone see that episode of Grey's Anatomy a couple of weeks ago that had the guy who was going to get a face transplant? He had lost half of his face years before, and pretty much hid from the world. He did belong to some online forum though for people who grew orchids, and part of the requirement of the surgery is that you had a group of people who you could depend on for support and who would take care of you. Well, none of his "friends" from the orchid site had ever seen him, but they flew from around the world to be there at the hospital for him. Reminded me of some of you I have "met" on here.
I don't know what I would do if I didnt have a place to share and to listen to other's share their journey. There is only so much my wonderful boyfriend can listen to and help with! Sometimes it's just nice to know someone else is going through what I am!
So keep blogging.
And...once you reach your goal...dont stop blogging. Dont you hate it when you find someone on LBT and click on their blog and it hasnt been updated in like 2 years?
I must totally be premenstrual bc I am getting sappy. I will know for sure if I start crying at random commercials about cleaning solutions, coffee, or tampons.
It happens. Seriously.
Happy Tuesday
I'm hungry right now. I tried to eat rice krispies this morning for breakfast. For some reason, cereal does not go down well. You would think since its basically puffed air and a liquid, it wouldn't be a problem. Anyways, I only ate half of a little baby know the kind you get in a variety pack or take camping? Anyways...I am trying to hold off until lunch. I brought some of my black bean soup and blue organic chips. YUMMY. Which by the way I tried to put in a wrap last night and I had to throw up twice. Strange.
GUESS WHAT! I bought some MorningStar corn dogs the other day. They are little mini, vegetarian corn dogs. I tried them last night...they taste just like corndogs! I dont know how they do it...but pretty cool. I have been searching high and low for the veggie baby back ribs (boneless) that someone blogged about months ago, but I can't find them. I think I will try veggie burgers next.
Can you tell the only thing on my mind is food?
ANYWAYS, back to my original thought about losing 5 pounds last week. I lost them Monday-Friday and didnt lose anything over the weekend and I was actually grumpy when I weighed in Monday! Knock Knock puddin' head! Okay I didnt lose anything over the weekend but I should be so happy I lost 5 during the week. Can't we be so crazy sometimes!
Monday, April 20, 2009
you guys "Hi Amy".
We teach a lot of classes where I work. We have a goody cabinet of snacks we put out for these classes. It has some tasty stuff in it, but usually nothing really horrible. However, for my hell class I had to teach on Saturday, we bought Otis Spunkmeyer muffins. You know those big muffins that once you eat them you feel ill? Well, I went back to the cabinet to get a 100 calorie pack snack. It's 2:00pm and I had a banana for breakfast and half a yogurt for lunch (I didnt like the taste)...
There was the muffin. Staring at me. I held it in my hand. Yes. No. Yes. No. I ripped the package open and took a bite.
Now here is where we take a turn for Sad Girl Village. I snuck my muffin into the bathroom, locked the bathroom stall, and started eating it! About halfway through my Shame band started to work. It wasnt stuck. But it was uncomfortable. I stared at my half eaten muffin. won Muffin Man. I wrapped the uneaten portion in a paper towel and threw it away.
Shame Shame Shame on Me.
Monday's Reminder
They notice how you carry yourself and how much you believe in yourself. How tall you stand (not talking height), how high you hold your head, and your smile. If you can be fabulous, sometimes the size of our hips, the sag of our breasts, or the wiggle of our chin will start to fade away.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Times They Are a Changing
So here ya go:
1. I used to stop for fast food breakfast every morning. This used to consist of usually McDonalds where I would get a Cinnamelt and breakfast burrito with a medium coke. Or sonic and I would get a toaster and a large coke. I have not had fast food breakfast since surgery.
2. I used to eat out every day for lunch. I would get a value meal of some kind and then while driving my food back to the office, I would eat a couple other things off of the $ menu...that way no one at work really knew how much I was eating.
3. Sometimes on my way home from work I would stop and get fast food and eat it before I got home so Tracey wouldnt know...and then eat a full supper with him.
4. I used to drink 3-6 sunkists a day.
5. I wouldnt walk 2 blocks because it hurt so bad (my back), and would be too embarrassed to tell anyone.
6. I would pee 4-5 times a night, usually bc of the large amount of pop I had drank.
7. I hated to put my pants on bc they were so tight and gave me a muffin top.
8. I do a great job at drinking my water. I usually drink 4-6 bottles of water a day.
That's all I can think of for now, but it is a start. What items have you guys changed without really realizing it?
I still need to work on grazing. I have a few chips here, a piece of cheese there, a few more chips. Sometimes if I am really naughty I have a couple of crackers with ranch dressing on them. I also eat FiberOne Bars sometimes bc they taste like candy bars. However, they have 140 calories and make me fart. I still need to eat more veggies.
Tonight Tracey and I went in the hottub. I wanted to share this picture with you guys! I thought since others were posting full length shots on their blogs (even though I always do), I will see your full body shot and raise you a full body shot in a bikini! I WIN I WIN! Don't despair though. This is my "private" swimsuit...meaning I just wear this at home for sun and bathing! You can see my scars are healing nicely-almost 3 months out.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

I made a yummy soup today for dinner. I got the recipe for SouthernLiving. If you like black beans this is for you...if you don't like black beans (close your eyes). You will see the recipe calls for it to be creamy, and that's what the picture shows. However, I didnt blend it and just ate it in the pre-puree state. Its so good! I think I will add chicken to it next time I make it. Yum Yum.
Prep 10 min., Cook: 15 min., Cool: 5 min. Spread warmed leftover soup over crispy tostadas and layer with chopped rotisserie chicken, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, and avocado for a quick supper or snack. For a thinner soup, use only 2 cans of black beans.
1 cup medium onion, diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 cups chicken broth
3 (15-oz.) cans BUSH'S Black Beans, rinsed and drained
1 (14.5-oz.) can diced tomatoes with zesty mild green chiles, undrained (this is rotel)
1/2 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoons ground cumin (I didnt add this)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro (I didnt add this)
1 tablespoon lime juice
Toppings: sour cream, shredded Cheddar cheese, diced tomatoes, chopped fresh cilantro, lime wedges, tortilla chips
1. Sauté onion and garlic in hot oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat 4 to 6 minutes or until tender.
2. Stir in broth and next 4 ingredients, stirring to loosen particles from bottom of Dutch oven; cover and bring to a boil. Uncover, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer, stirring occasionally, 8 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in cilantro and lime juice. Let cool 5 minutes.
3. Process soup, in batches, in a blender or food processor 30 seconds or until smooth. Return to Dutch oven, and stir until blended. Serve with desired toppings.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tips From a Rag
Move No.1: Eat smaller, more frequent meals. We have all heard this, but here is what the study from Florida State University found-- Going too long without eating makes your blood sugar plummet and that leaves you with a raging appetite...thus making you more likely to binge later in the day. It also goes on to show how a blood sugar is directly tied to willpower.
Move No.2: Eat With Your Other Hand. Pretty self-explanatory. I thought this would make a good bandster tip. If you find yourself eating too fast, try this. It's probably also good for your brain!
Move No.3. (This is especially good news for those of us who think we weigh ourselves too much) Weigh Yourself Regularly. A study of over 1800 people who successfully shed pound found that 40% weighed themselves daily or weekly. it comes...Those that stepped on the scale more frequently, lost the most. 12 pounds on average more for daily weighers compared to 6 pounds for weekly weighers. People who shunned the scale gained an average of 5 pounds. Hmmm...
So that's about it for today. Tracey got me to walk last night and I boogied it down the trail. Felt pretty good afterwards, still hated it during :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tina and the "leafs" in my way!

This weekend in Alabama, we did walk to an outdoor amphitheater and run the steps. Stairway to Hell would be a perfect title, but that would imply we only ran DOWN stairs, and we totally ran up them. Seriously, the first flight I was like..okay, okay, I can do this, oh no, oh no, my legs are giving out. I was sore for 4 days afterwards. But we are doing another 5k on May 9th, and I would like to improve on my I better get practicing.
On another note...I threw up last night. I had made a chicken breast coated in breadcrumbs, baked in the oven, topped with ham, cheese, and tomato (think chicken cordon bleu). It was so good. About 3/4 of the way through Tina told me to stop (remember Tina is what I named my band). I told Tina to "SHUT UP biatch! I must finish eating the chicken. I can't waist it". She hushed for awhile and waited until I finished the rest of my chicken to have the last word. I had been through eating for about 5 minutes...and it wasnt a was a full on throw up. Fabulous yes? Thank God it happened during a commercial of America's Next Top Model.
Lesson learned.
*PS, I was spell checking and did anyone else notice that when I was talking about "wasting" food, I said WAISTING instead? Hmmm...the size of my waist on my mind much?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Two Yummy Things I Enjoy
Also, for those of you who can eat chicken, this is a wonderful marinade. I let my chicken breasts marinate overnight and then Tracey grills them. I serve with black beans or mexi-corn. Tonight I think I am going to cut the chicken up once they are grilled, mix it with the beans and corn, put it on a whole wheat burrito shell, throw some salsa in and brown them on my skillet. Can you tell food is on my mind?

I Want To Take Naked Pictures
Also, thanks to everyone who has left a post that my blogs make them smile or laugh. Do you know how they say that if you lose one of your senses (like your eyesight or hearing), that your other senses become uber-developed? Like if you are blind you can hear really really well. That's how I think of my sense of humor...I lost my sense of skinny (when I was about 5), so my sense of humor is uber-developed! LOL.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Death To The Easter Bunny

Sexy hats we had to wear at the Distillery
Group Shot: Tracey, moi', mom, dad, brother, Rachel (brothers girlfriend)
Rachel and me posing with the Beaver*
*we went to The Beaver Bar in Nashville, which was supposed to be like Coyote Ugly's. Negatory ghostrider! I thought some hot bar dancing waitresses would be a good inspiration for me...the only waitress there was skinny and had no curves, no lovely lady humps or lumps, she had the body of a 12 year old boy. Disappointing!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Rollin...Rollin...Rollin Down the River
This is about a 6 hour drive for us. They were coming down here to Pensacola for the weekend, but the weather looks iffy (they were bringing their smaller ski boat), so we are going there instead!
LONG STORY short...I may not be able to blog until we return...but I promise to take lots of pics and do something embarrassing so I have a good story to tell when I get back. We are going to go to Nashville Friday night to hang with my brother. For those of you who have read my first introduction blog, you will know I have a long history with my bro-man, but things are good now.
In fact, if any of you ever watch Discovery Health Channel on cable, like in the really high channels, you may have seen my brother. He was thin his whole life and made my life a living hell. He moved to LA when he was about 17 (he is 8 years my senior) and got fat. It was wonderful karmic retribution.
He was fat for all of 4 seconds.
He was accepted for this reality show called Discovery Health Body Challenge. It was really the beginning of the weight loss shows, pre-Biggest Loser. He got a personal trainer, a nutritionist, etc. Anyways, he lost the weight and won the damn show. And thus...he was thin again. They came back to Kansas to film part of the show, and lucky for him I was working in New York at the time...I would have given that camera an ear full. The show was filmed in 2000, but they are re-running it now. Tracey and I stumbled on it the other day and laughed and laughed at my brother...he is so full of BS. Good times. (sorry I just rambled that whole paragraph).
I tried to find a picture of the boat, but I couldnt. So instead you will get a picture of my mother ON the boat from last summer. She would kill me if she knew I posted this. She is afraid that someone will steal her identity. Special. This picture of me and my mom with a giant sausage makes me laugh. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

What Is A Possible Neck Injury for 200 Alex?
This one time at band camp. Kidding. But it reminds me of a couple years ago at work. For about 7 years I worked at a school for behavior disorder children (if they get kicked out of regular special ed (oxymoron) they came to us. Well, the kids were out of the classroom lining up for the bus and some of the staff were talking about SOMETHING...I dont remember, but all of a sudden I said "I can do a handstand".
Look, I COULD DO A HANDSTAND. It just turns out that the last time I had done one I must have been about 50 pounds lighter then at that particular moment. So, I go over to the corner of the room so I can use the wall to lean against once I get into the handstand. I propell myself forward, looking like Nadia Comenici or Mary Lou Retton in their glory hands hit the floor, my feet go elbows lock...IVE DONE IT...
The minute my feet go up and I am in what looks like a handstand in the arms give out. They crumble beneath me and I pile drive the floor. top it off, I dont fall over...I am stuck in the corner upside down...stubby legs flailing in the air like an upside down turtle.
It was actually pretty funny and my coworkers really enjoyed it. It was a lesson learned...Arm Strength cannot support my body weight.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A Hair Raising Experience

This was my hair color before. I have been coloring my hair for about 2 years. I have a lot of gray's for a 29 year old! No matter what color I choose...light brown, ash brown, medium hair takes a redish tint. SO, I found this deal online for a local hairstylist and she is offering a cut and color for $35. Here is the end result.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Many Thanks and Cyber Kisses
I just wanted to thank all of you for the pats on the back! It felt good to do the 5K because I never NEVER walked! I would avoid it at all costs. I am going to do at least one more before Florida becomes hotter than the center of the sun. I think we are going to do the Sunset Run on May 5th. The point is...if a 327 pound girl (which is what I was when I started) can do this, so can YOU! For real. Do you remember when I started? Any of you that have been following my blog for awhile know that I started off with one mile, and just added half a mile every week. That was it! I love all of your guys comments. Seriously. Hope everyones Monday went well. I went to Red Robin again with coworkers for lunch. Took one bite of someones fry...and then ate my soup. BIG MISTAKE! Had to go to the bathroom and up it came. I must be a slow learner!
LOL...the swing is still sitting on the porch...mocking me. Firewood anyone :)
Oh, PS. Do any of you experience the "My Head is Bigger Than My Partner Syndrome". Please see above picture for illustration. I always tell Tracey when we do pictures to make sure his head is in the foreground to balance everything out...sometimes he just doesnt listen!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
And There Goes My Pride
Sorry about the night shot. It took me forever to go take a picture...I was putting the pieces of my ego back together.
So, I had to go wake my boyfriend up. Here's how that went.
Me: "Baby"?
Tracey: "Hmmmm"?
Me: "I broke the swing".
Tracey: "Was that the loud noise I heard"?
Me: "Yes"
Tracey: "Are you okay"?
Me: (starting to sniffle, tears beginning to escape). "Yes, but it's embarrassing".
Tracey has been trying to be nice. He told me he bought stainless steel chain which is weaker than regular chain. Whatever. I have lost 50 pounds and now the damn thing breaks? It was the universe making sure I didnt forget that I have a long ways to go.
Oh...and he is going to buy some new "stronger" chain...I dont think I will be setting in that thing. I dont know how the neighbor man didnt pee his pants. It was very America's Funniest Home Videos.
Popcorn Chicken is Satan's Confetti
I digress.
So, after shopping I went to Walmart for some groceries. Tracey wanted some chicken from the deli. I hadnt eaten since 11am and it was nearly 7pm. So, I figured I would get me some popcorn chicken. Seriously, they are the size of a penny. They come in this cup, with a little flip lid. I thought I would try few on my way to the checkout. Big MISTAKE! I ate 3. I knew I was in trouble. It just sat there. Then it started to hurt. I started to take deep breaths. The sweat started to bead on my forehead. Seriously, the lady in front of the couple in front of me had so much in her cart, that it took two carts to hold the groceries bagged...and they had to call for help.
I started to panic. Did I ditch my cart and go throw up in Walmart's bathroom? I ruled that out. I probably stood in line for 10 minutes. Breathing. Sweating. Cursing my stupidity in my head. I checked out and started walking towards the car. At this point I was looking for a place to throw up. Bushes? No, I could make it to my car. I threw the stuff in my trunk, grabbed an empty bag out of my trunk, opened my door, sat down behing my wheel and threw up in the bag. Horrible. I made it home, threw up in the yard. Threw up for a few hours off and on. After this was all said and done, I took a tiny sip of water...threw that up too! I was really nervous at this point. So, I decided if I woke up on Saturday morning and still couldnt swallow water, I would go to the ER. I woke up fine yesterday. Had yogurt for breakfast and then Tracey and I went out to eat for an early dinner. I had a cup of soup and some of Traceys hamburger meat. Everything appears to be fine!
On Your Mark...Get Set....GO
Sorry I dont know how to center videos yet.

The sun was coming up...I was nervous. Currently, my fastest time that I had walked a 5k (practice) was 59 minutes. I really didnt want to be the last person, and I didnt want to drop dead on some beach road. We all lined up to start and noone shot a gun! I really wanted someone to shoot a gun or whatever it is at the beginning of the race (not at me, but in the air). I started off, pacing myself. No shin splints but my legs were talking to me. It was pretty good! Anyways, as I saw the finish line in sight, there were still a good amount of people behind me. There were lots of people taking pictures at the end, so I started dancing for them. I crossed the finish line with a time of....53 minutes! Weeeeeeee. I arrived alive! After the race they had a band, light food, etc. We hung out in the sun for about an hour until they announced the winners of the age divisions. We really just hung around bc my boss and her husband and our friend Loyd were going to get awards. So once they got to the walker awards I was not really listening. Then I heard them call my name! WHAT! That's right...I won 2nd place for my age division! I hadnt even thought of looking at the results.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
1. I've always wished that I was one of those girls who knew how to do her hair and makeup. I never have really learned. I think you are born with it...some gene that my mother never had either. The first memory I have of really sucking at the make-up/hair thing was probably 6th grade in Jenny Bratchers (Fitzgeralds) bathroom. Remember when you would take your Kaboodles with you everywhere with your make-up. She had the gift.
2. I miss several things about Kansas. Real thunderstorms, wheat fields, and lazy summer nights on Knoll Drive.
3. I used to pee my pants when I laughed really hard. I'm not ruling it out these days. I think the last time it happened was playing Catch Phrase with my mother on New Years Eve several years ago. She was partners with my dad and kept yelling inappropriate words. She had taken several shots of tequilla, was sweating, and wearing a gold lame' shirt. You had to be there.
4. I don't want children. Every once in awhile though I worry that I am missing out on something. Then, I take a nap or spend money selfishly on myself. And I am thankful.
5. I thought I would make good money out of college. You don't really realize until the last semester of your senior year that you might be screwed.
6. Whenever Oprah has fat people on her show who talk about how lonely they are, how no one likes them, etc., I want to go up to them and say HEY! EXCUSES! Fat people can have friends and a life too! Seriously, I wrote to Oprah once about this. I am still waiting for a response.
7. When I was 19 I tried out for the Real World. They didnt want me. Big Mistake...HUGE.
8. Ever since I was little, when I am alone in my kitchen, I pretend I am on my own cooking show. I talk, out loud, to the imaginary camera. My favorite "meal" to make on my show is a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwhich. It's a very basic show.
9. I always got in trouble for talking to much in school. So I majored in Communication, and now teach classes on HOW to communicate. So take that!1
0. I worked at Point O Pines for 3 years and it changed my life.
11. Sometimes people request to be my friend on Facebook or Myspace and I have no idea who they are. Sometimes I went to school with them (according to their profiles), but still...nothing.
12. I love tv and movies. I don't appreciate when people who don't love tv and movies try to pretend they are better than other people. For example, have you met those people that say things like this: "Oh, I just don't know how you have time to go to the movies...I AM SO BUSY...I havent seen a movie since Titantic". Please.
13. One of the best gifts someone could give me is a really really old copy of the Gone With the Wind. It's my favorite book and would love to have a very early copy.
14. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, but I believe in angels. Explain that to me.
15. I think the Dhali Lama and I are kindred spirits. I would like to meet him and learn from him.
16. I want to be a stay at home girlfriend. I wouldn't be bored. No matter people say.
17. I have the best parents in the world. I loved my childhood. I cry everytime we leave the boat after visiting. I cry when they leave Pensacola after they visit us.
18. One of my favorite memories from childhood is coming home late in the afternoon from a day of boating, being tired and sunburnt, jonesing for a cool shower, sitting in the back of the Bronco while my day backed the boat in the driveway, listening to the locust in the trees.
19. Our family eats more con queso than anyone else I know.
20. My brother and I never got a long when I was growing up. Eight years my senior, he never wanted a sister. When I was born, and they told him I was a girl, he screamed "Put her back in, put her back in". He tortured me as a child. It took us about 27 years but we love each other now and he is one of the funniest people I know.
21. I havent talked to my best friend Lisa very much over the last year and a half. She lives in Seattle. Somehow we let our "busy" lives get in the way. I think about her everyday.
22. I cried when none of the presidential nominees would say they believe in gay marriage. Makes me sad for my friends.
23. Catherine Gardner is 50! She is a Mormon. She is one of the best people I have ever known. She can never move away from me. Once when we were talking about if nurses could/should wear thongs, she said "I don't know how they could. They would trip on them and fall down all the time!" We all looked at her. She was talking about FLIP FLOPS. We had been talking about thong underwear! Special. Funny. Katie.
24. I sometimes wonder what the purpose of life is. This can be a very depressing thought, bc usually I have no answer.
25. I feel like I am not living my life to my full potential. I think I should be doing something else profession wise. Comedian? Interior Designer? Actress? My creativity is being stifled.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Beautiful Words
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a youth she’s content to leave behind….
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to retelling it in her old age….
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ….a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE one friend who always makes her laugh… and one who lets her cry…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ..a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored…
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE a feeling of control over her destiny.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to fall in love without losing herself.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…that she can’t change the length of her calves,the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…that her childhood may not have been perfect…but its over…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…what she would and wouldn’t do for love or more…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…how to live alone… even if she doesn’t like it…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW..whom she can trust,whom she can’t, and why she shouldn’t take it personally…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…where to go…be it to her best friend’s kitchen table…or a charming inn in the woods…when her soul needs soothing…
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW…what she can and can’t accomplish in a day…a month…and a year…
Bikinis, Marie Osmond, and Empathy