Friday, January 7, 2011


Not my spirits. Just my band. Just a weensie bit.

I called my doctors office this morning to see if I could get a prescription for the heartburn.

Negatory Ghost Rider. They must not have seen me batting my eyelashes and pleading.

They said that I was too tight and to come over and he would take a little out. So off I went. Dr. Friedman said I was just making up reasons to come and see him.

He is so smart.

He did not say "I told you so". Good man. But he did take half of my fill out. So, that left me with .5cc fill.

He said that what was probably happen (I shall put it into Amy speak) is that the fluid wasnt leaving my band completely so when I laid down, it was coming back up. Something like that.

So, that's the story folks. Consensus is that it's not good to have acid reflux. You just never know when you get to experience something new with your band!


  1. Acid reflux can damage so much of your body, I think your doc made a good call!

  2. good for dr friedman not falling to your attempts to sway him :)

    I had a wee bit taken out 2 weeks ago when my band got too tight following some pb episodes and yesterday my doc gave me back half of the 1cc he took away....

    hope this solves your reflux problem

  3. Acid reflux = bad! I hope the unfill helps!

  4. Good choice Amykins Good choice. :o)

  5. So jealous. I have to suffer all weekend with this shit. I tried to take a nap twice and woke up violently choking. So happy you got some out!

  6. so glad you were able to get in quickly. hope you feel better tonight!

  7. I love your doctor. All the way from Connecticut, I love him. Good for you for calling. I'd guess half a cc is still a pretty good fill, skinny pants.

  8. Yep good call on getting some out - esp before it became even worse! Poor Ames. Nothing worse than our bands throwing us for a loop - it sucks. Feel better, sunshine xxx

  9. So are you feeling better? Sure hope so!

    I have had acid reflux since being banded, but nothing ever "comes up", so maybe it's just heart burn? I take Prilosec OTC and it works like a charm. I NEVER had any sort of heart burn pre op. Mwuah!!

  10. Hope you are feeling better! Glad to hear you got .5 out, sounds like you still got a good fill. Let us know how it works for you!

  11. I too am jealous I have to wait untill wednesday. That sucks.. I am barley able to get water down and the acid at night is horrible. I am a pro with the heart burn because as soon as I am a bit too tight I get the heartburn... It sucks.. They believe I am just super sensitive.. Glad the un fill worked.. Take care girl..

  12. Glad you got it squared away. I'm filing "acid reflux is bad" in my Living With The Band tip sheet.

  13. same here, been banded over 2 yrs just now having relux. she took out 1cc and gave meds. we will see!
