Thursday, January 21, 2010

Messy Business





Things have been a mess this morning. First, thank you for those of you who let me know that the white font on my new layout was hard and/or impossible to read for some. I have changed it to black and I hope that helps.

Second, I cannot believe me four minute vlog did not work! I went into edit the post and could see the video, but it would not show for you guys. So I deleted it. AND, bc I also deleted it from my memory card last night, it is now lost forever...wherever cyber vlogs go to die. May it rest in peace. I will either try to make a new one tonight or just write up what happened at the docs. But you did miss the shot of the urinal in my bathroom. It was the climax of the vlog.

Third, I have a problem (and I hear you say...Just ONE problem Amy?). I am apparently oblivious to the fact that there are some of you out there who follow my blog that have their OWN blogs I am not reading. So, I invite you fellow bloggers, to post a comment in response to this post right down there in the comments section. If I am not following, or if you would like others to know you have blog...please let us know. We can all remember what it was like when we had just 2 followers and wondered if anyone was really listening!


  1. Good morning Amy! I think you read me already, but it's too early in the morning and my coffee hasn't kicked in for me to remember with certainty. However, if anyone else wants to read me as well, they (and you) can find me at:

    Whoa! What's this? A parenting blog? No, a blog that started out as an infertility blog, that has veered off to a weight loss blog, but is still, in essence, an infertility blog. Our next step to try to become parents requires me to lose boo-koo weight, thus the WLS.

    Come on over and check me out! And, if you (or someone you know) is suffering from IF (infertility) you will find a host of other women who are in your shoes. Their blogs (and some really good community gathering spots) are listed in my left column.

  2. Okay, maybe I will take your offer to pimp my blog! You can never have too many followers!

    Thanks Amy!

  3. You're talking about me aren't you Amy...I only have 2 followers!! :)

  4. You realized earlier this week that I had a blog and wasn't just an online stalker ;)

    But I will also take you up on the offer to pimp my blog!

  5. Wow Amy! So generous of you to offer up your tremendous advertising power of your blog to us newbie bloggers! A warning about my blog is that I'm not banded yet so a lot of griping about that and I'm not NEARLY as entertaining as Amy! There...I confessed. Thanks again Amy!

  6. "PImp my blog" it!

    I just joined and just started a blog. I have 2--count 'em--two entire posts! This is my first blog and I fear that I'm not very good at it yet. No catchy titles, no erudite insights into human nature, no witty stories. Just me writing about what's on my mind. More of a personal diary that I'm willing to share with everyone. Hopefully, I'll get better at it soon. So far--0 followers (of course, I've only been 'live' for 3 days!).


  7. Amy great idea, I will look into the blogs that are listed here! We look forward to the new VLOG, I tried my first one the other day...wasn't happy with the results, maybe when I have really great news to report I won't care! Jennifer

  8. I don't know if you read my blog or not but my lapband blog is

    I am now proudly up to 15 followers :)

  9. I believe you started following me about 2 weeks ago :) But I am shameless and this is above begging for I appreciate the free publicity! :)

    I have about 30 followers now. Which is awesome-ness! I am not banded quite yet...looking to be done in March...sooo...

    Happy Reading! :)

  10. I actually was able to view your vlog from my blackberry but not my computer! I'm glad Dr. Feelgood and staff made you feel good because you should! You are a Superstar (pulls fingers from pits) Superstar!!!!

  11. I wish I would have tried to view the vlog from my bb.

  12. Sorry about the vlog...would still like to hear an update on your doctors appt.
    You must have been a star!!!!

  13. P.S. I have a blog also if you want to check it out

    loving lucy lapband :-)

  14. Sorry about your vlog! How did your 1 year followup go?

    My blog is here:

    Um. Sorry for the quick, random sentences. Busy day :)

  15. I want to do a vlog too but I'm probably a little too techinically incapable of that!!!
    Thanks for letting us Pimp our blogs here!!

  16. Sorry the vlog didn't work out, but looking forward to reading or watching your update.

    It is so kind of you to offer us the chance to post our blog address here. I was banded last week, so still in the baby stages.

    My blog the address is:

    Take care.

  17. Amy,

    You're the best....what a wonderful idea to help us out! Hoping to get to 50 followers soon, thanks to your help.


    Follow me at:

  18. You might run out of time to read all these blogs, but just in case here is a link to mine:

    Sorry to hear about your vlog. Isn't technology wonderful sometimes...

  19. Thank you Amy! I'd also love some followers - I'm very new. I am loving this community and the support I'm seeing. Why didn't I find you all sooner! What an amazing group of people you have. Love it!

  20. You follow mine but hey free advertiseing :)

  21. Holy guacamole Batman, I've said it are the Oprah of Band Blogs, so if Amy's reading you it's gotta be good. And who doesn't want a plug on Oprah...

    My blog is "Band me Baby!" and I loves me some Amy!


  22. You are great, Amy! I would love to hear what everyone at your DR office had to say about your stupendous success! My blog is Mountain Laurel. :)

  23. Hey Amy! I've been lurking here since the 'blog' thread on LBT you posted to, but I signed up as a 'follower' this week- great blog!

    Great timing! I just finished moving my blog from LBT over to here (at others suggestions, and prodding...hoping to reach some more people new to the LB and others that just want to laugh at me) and I'm planning to announce the move tomorrow. I probably need help in the tech dept. if anyone has suggestions as I have no clue what I'm doing...a new adventure! Thanks for the shameless plug! It's called 'The Sweet Spot'.

    OK, who wants to be my very first 'follower'?!!
    Come on...anyone?...anyone? I'll let you wear the tiara...

  24. I don't know how you will manage to keep up with all those blogs hehehe

    Mine is

    :-) From Yvonne

  25. Pick me! Pick me! My sister and I have a blog - we were banded on the same day:

    We have 5 followers - double figures would be fabulous!!!

  26. Are you following me yet? - just kidding. I had a dream about you last night! Huh?? Lol but really I did. I dreamed you were here in Perth and I was showing you around. Very strange. We were comparing how different Oz was to where you live (except for the heat.. that MUST be on a par to Forida.) The way my mind works.. hmm.

  27. I may have to quit my job to find the time to read all the blogs I am following now, but what the hell, it keeps me going! Here is me shamelessly taking advantage of free advertising: "A BAND NEW ME"

  28. I am just like justlynda in that I have a new blog. It has 1 little post so far. I'm drafting up 3 more entries now. Hopefully will get them posted this weekend and be rolling on!

  29. Hi Amy...better late than never. i can't believe you would have the time to follow everyone's blog but here goes:

    Thanks GB

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Amy's read my blog and commented on it, and I have to tell you it tickled me pink.

    I'd love to get more comments from folks, and I'll be looking up more blogs as well from this thread.

    Oops forgot the URL.. Must not be awake yet.

  32. Hey there gang- come on over and check out my blog too...

    love ya Amy W.- You ROck!

  33. READ ME!
    I'm a bandster from across the pond (ie the UK); I only got my band two days ago, so need all the support I can get (I'll use any low-down tricks to get more followers, like playing the sympathy card!)

    Amy, your blog is an inspiration, not to mention laugh-out-loud funny.

  34. Hi Amy -

    I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and seeing your transformation has been wonderful! You should be so thrilled!

    I love your take on life! My band journey began in April 2009 and has been such a great ride! I don't post every day, but hell my life isn't near as interesting as yours!

    But for those who would like to follow, the link is:

  35. I started out on blogspot and now have a site through my mac. SO I dont really have followers persay. I do enjoy comments and feed back so feel free to read and give me feedback..

    Thanks all..

  36. Hi all - Just banded in December (3rd to be exact). Started a blog just about a week ago, decided it was time to share my own thoughts and events.

    If anyone wants to check it out:

  37. Hey Amy, thanks for your comment!

    Anyone else wanting to read another Aussie's blog, you'll find me here -

    I've been banded for nearly 2 years so at the moment you'll be reading about me bitching about my 6 months plateau!! But mostly I'm pretty upbeat!


    Em :)

  38. Hi Amy,

    Kinda late to this party, but I have spent the last 6 hours at my desk reading your entire blog history.

    You are awesome and I am so inspired--to eat well, but to also have a Sunkist!

    Anyway, I just started a new blog and could use a follower.

    I have all of 2010 to get through, so I'll cut this short.

    Thanks for helping a pre-bander feel really right about my decision,

    P.S. The sequined cruise dress? I wore it to two weddings last year and felt like the skinniest girl on the block because I squeezed into a 16. ahh the good old days.

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