For the majority of us, we wish that we could adopt the "food is fuel" mentality, eat healthy and clean as part of a never-say-diet mentality, and spout the "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change". It's a little depressing to know that food addiction is not a recognized addiction (binge eating disorder is the closest we have come), and that most people that AREN'T addicted to food like to talk about willpower and "just making a choice" like it's that easy.
If it was that easy...
We would all be making positive food choices on the daily. The world would possibly reverse on it axis. The fast food industry would go out of business. Pepsi and Coca-cola would close it's doors. Cheetos would never again be ingested by the thousands (damn...now I want those little orange colored vehicles of deliciousness).
It's just not that easy.
And I live with one of those people, who while she loves me back and forth and around the world, she cannot even begin to wrap her precious mind around the fact that I wake up in the middle of night thinking about food...and often tiptoe into the kitchen to find something to nibble on before returning to slumber. She can't understand actually leaving the house to go to the grocery store to something to eat when we have food already in the house. She can't understand why when I wake up, I am already thinking about what I am making for dinner.
She can't understand because she is not addicted to food.
And I say all of this not to imply that I have no hope, but I have begun to accept the fact that my quest for concurring my food addiction IS hopeless. And I think that is the case for many of us. Unless by some "I-Just-Won-the-475milliondollarPowerball" stroke of luck I wake up one day and have fallen madly in love with fruits, veggies, and water, EVERYDAY will be a day that I have to consciously battle my food addiction.
And let's be real.
It could be worse.
I am moderately cute at times. I know how to paint my toenails better than most toenail painting professionals. I am moderately funny. Okay...exceeeeedingly funny and moderately humble. And people like me. Well. Most people. I am a talented kickball kicker. An impressive country line dancer. And I am in love and loved in return.
It's just bastard food that keeps me on the verge of insane.
And that's just the truth of it.
It doesn't really make me less of a human. It's just one of the things that makes me human.
However annoying that may be. (the food addiction, not me as a human...just to be clear).
All of this stemmed from an article I read about a new study released from Yale. It comes with a little "survey" you can take to find out if you are addicted to food. Um...needless to say I didn't need to TAKE the survey, but I did read through it. Many of these seem like a given. However I bet if I gave the survey to Heather, they wouldn't be as much as a given. In fact, some of them might actually confuse her due to her lack of being almost completely opposite of me in our relationship with food. But take a look below.
If you would like to read the full article, you can find it here.