Today I am thankful for being smaller, healthier, and happier than ever before.
I am thankful for being able to shop in more stores every day. And if I still don't fit into their clothes, I am thankful that I know I will one day very soon.
Now, with all that said...I made my band very cranky yesterday. We went to lunch at Red Robin...we eat there all the time! It was late though (about 2pm) and I hadn't eaten all day. I ate one french fry and maybe 2 bites of chicken tortilla soup. And that was the beginning of a very bad food day.
I was stuck. I went to the bathroom. Two stalls and a line! So I finally get in and stand there in the stall for about 10 minutes. I don't want to throw up bc it will be loud...and there is still a line. I am sweating. My face is on fire. Finally I come out, still stuck. I had to come out though bc the chicks in line were getting cranky with me! So I just got BACK in line and told them I didnt feel to good and had to hang out for awhile. Finally, I went into the handicap stall and threw up some slime. I emerge from the bathroom after almost 15 minutes. Tracey was getting ready to send the waitress in after me. I was mortified. It was the only time that I have felt like crying after getting stuck. I was embarrassed. So Tracey finished my soup and we left. In the car I pulled out my trusty stash of plastic bags and finally threw up.
So when I got home, I decided I would have a frozen waffle. Which doesn't go down on a good day! I ate it. And it was good. But it came up right after the last bite.
SO, I didnt eat any dinner and by 6 that night I was still operating on an empty tummy. I convinced Tracey to take me for ice cream. Guess what...the ice cream came up! I knew Tina was UBER I gave up.
This morning...a few bites of bacon. Almost threw up on the dishes in the sink.
So I am just taking it easy now :)
But I am still Thankful!!!
And we went to the beach today! It was still a little chilly though, so we didnt last much longer than an hour!