Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dearest Jami-One of my readers!

Thank you so much for your amazing words on one of my posts! I didnt have a way to respond to them, and I didnt know if you would get a notification that I responded, but I replied to your comments on that post!


  1. I have two things in common with Jami...I will in Jacksonville and I love your blog...it's so inspiring. My situation is a little different than yours. I met my husband when I was skinny...but then became terribly ill and gained ALOT of weight. He has stuck through it with me and is with me on this journey to be healthy again. I know that he loves me fat or thin and I wish Jami luck in finding that kind of love!

  2. I responded to your chicken ? on my blog...so you can cook up some poultry goodness!
