Monday, November 14, 2011

I Shall Rule The World

Last week while making my walk from our main hospital back to my office...quite a trapse across a very large parking lot, and whilst wearing heels...I decided something.

I am going to rule the world. 

It's pretty concrete.  Not much give.  It's certain.

Now, I don't really have a plan for world domination yet, but I think I will start at the organizational level of where I work.  You see, here is what I think the trick is.

If you DON'T know something...act like you do...until you do. 

For example, do you remember when you were a freshman or sophomore in high school and you thought that the seniors were SUPER smart or had  more life experience than you and thus they knew things...but then when you actually become a senior you realize you are just as stupid as a senior as you were as a freshman or sophomore...and if you only knew that WHEN you were a freshman or sophomore you would have done things differently?

Well I still assume that about some of my coworkers.  Like they are smarter than me.  And believe, some of them are.  But I am on to a few of them.  They just pretend to be really smart.  And it works for them. 

So, onward and upward folks. 

Let's dominate.

In other news.  I drank some water today. 

Happy Monday!


  1. I have faith that you will indeed rule the world some day.

    Happy Monday!

  2. OK.. I am with you .. I need a little dominating. hugs

  3. I would move to that world... the one that you ruled, and if you think stupid people or idiots can't rule the world, Look around! Smarties like you have will have to work harder since over-analyzing holds us smart folk back quite a lot.... but Be the Change!... LOL XOXO Miss You Aims, *M*

  4. Great plan. Sign me up. I know for a fact the "genius" people that work in my office don't know shit from shynola.

  5. I can see you ruling the world some day :o)

    But drink more water first :p

  6. Hmmm...can I be a minion or something in your world domination. Just would like to be part of the "cool crowd."

  7. Just remember to use your powers for good. :)

  8. Sounds like you have a start, but if you need more guidance, just watch some old episodes of Pinky and the Brain. Did they ever succeed? Best of luck to you!

  9. Believe, I know quite a few that are in high ranks than me that are plain ol' idiots. At first I was upset they got to be there, after all the hard work I put in. Maybe I need that mind frame... I will rule the world and be the one ruling them soon!

  10. Ha ha. Good for you on drinking the water-- that is super important-- and a good choice over the sunkist, as you know. Life is choices, ay?

  11. We miss you. Two weeks since last post. Hope you're having fun!

  12. Yes, you will rule the world. I will help you rule the world by making you useful spreadsheets. LOL. :) Hope you are doing well.
