Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Monday

Greetings friends.

I hope your Monday finds you well.  A couple of things to chat about this morning:

Numero Uno:  I ran yesterday.  Woke up ready to go. Have some new cute running shoes (I still buy my shoes based on whether or not they are cute...instead of whether or not they are good running shoes...DAMN ME). cute purple running shoes and my good attitude produced a really good run.  I ran 6.02 miles, but at a much faster pace then I have been running.  Usually, my average pace is in the 12 minute mark, but I maintained...and stayed below...the 11 minute mark for most the run.  My pretty purple shoes did give me some awesome blisters though.  Such sacrifice.

Number Dos:  The scale reported 171.4 this morning.  Down from that alarming 176.4 last week.  I totally thought I would be back in the 160's by now (remember my goal is 150 by May 1st).  But I am keeping on keeping on.  I know you dig.

Numero Tres:  My workout plan for this week looks like this. 

Monday:  Circuit at noon and 2 mile warm-up run followed by circuit again at 515
Tuesday: Circuit at 630am and then Zumba at 515 (I am kinda over Zumba, but peer pressure has me going)
Wednesday:  Bootcamp Ab/Cardio at 630am, Circuit at noon
Thursday:  Circuit at 630am
Friday:  Run
Saturday:  Off
Sunday: Run

There is a possibility if Heather works on Saturday I may go to hot yoga.  But that's my plan.

Numero Four:  Today I will be starting incorporating protein shakes into my day.  I am having it for lunch today bc I want to get my protein in right after weights.  Now, I have done protein shakes before...mostly in post op and pre op, but this time I am blending them myself and I am using Whey protein.  So today we will be trying one scoop of Whey (100 calories), one cup of skim milk (90 calories), and blueberries.  That's a little low in calories for a meal, so I may try adding greek yogurt tomorrow...which will also increase the protein.  I am not really doing this for a calorie control sort of thing, but I am trying to focus on more protein and cleaner meals.  We will see if I like it.  If it tastes like crap-ola...I may have to try shaking it up.  HA!  That was a pun and I didnt even know it was coming.  POW POW

Numero Five:  On my run yesterday, even though it was only 830 in the morning, I swear that someone was grilling hot dogs.  And it made me run faster...only because I was afraid I was about to veer off course to find that house and eat breakfast with them.  Uninvited.

And Numero Lasto:  I have my three year check up appointment with the wonderful Dr. Friedman on Wednesday.



  1. Happy almost-third Bandiversary! Could you have imagined three years ago that you would be where you are today?? Doing killer workouts, running 6+ miles before work, and planning a six-day-a-week schedule like the one above? It's pretty amazing, right? Major props to you!

  2. You continue to be an inspiration. WTG!

  3. I really need to get on the ball with exercise like you do!!

  4. I had to laugh out loud at your POW POW. My friends and I do that at work all the time.

  5. You are doing so well.... And try not to jump on Dr. Friedman too much. The man can only resist so much.

  6. I am jealous of your workout routine, I would love to try and copy it, buti don't have the gym time available. I guess I'll have to come up with my own version of it :o)
