Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Gracious, It's Been a Minute

 Dearest Love Muffins:

Where do the days (and years) go?  Somewhere.  No where. Here. There.  

Lord, I almost just became Dr. Suess. 

The PROBLEM with taking years off of blogging, is where does one start?  Do we pick up with the shenanigans of the day?  Or do we go back in time?  I DONT KNOW.  You tell me dear readers, what do you want to know?  What do you want to hear about?

I'm gonna make a list of things I have mentally blogged about in the last 5 years that I will cover soonish:

  • How I went crazy for about 1.5 years after my divorce. 
    • Subsections may include:
      • How I didn't KNOW I was crazy
      • Dealing with emotional abuse/trauma
      • REALLY bad decisions I made during that time
      • Forgiving myself and giving myself grace
      • Eventually...EVENTUALLY, starting to heal?
  • A State of my Health address:
    • Where I am at now physically
    • Where I am at now emotionally
    • Things to cover with my not yet found future therapist
    • My drinking and eating habits
  • Things Amy thinks she knows
    • How to love yourself
    • How to collect stray cats
    • Finding peace with your current state
  • Amy finding "love"
    • what love looks like for me now
    • Justin 
    • the future
  • General going ons
There.  That makes me feel better.  Gives me a place to start.

I've missed blogging.  I feel like blogging is days of old.  Remember in 2010 when blogging was the shit?  Then...youtube channels became a thing...and I refused.  Now, in hindsight, maybe I should have started a channel.  But I love writing as well and am glad to be back at it. 

Thanks for those few of  you still out there doing the damn thing (reading blogs).  Having a blog FOR SURE helped me achieve and accomplish and feel loved during those prime 10 years.  So I think I will keep this up.

Happy Tuesday jelly beans. 

Until next time!


  1. Funnily enough I said something similar on my blog today! I love the process of writing. I love the level of detail that comes with a blog v a small snippet. I know its old school, but I love it.

  2. Amy, I will read anything and everything you want to write about! I have been waiting years for an update from you. And I still love to read blogs and am always hunting for new ones. I miss the days when they were so easy to find.

  3. Yay! 2 posts in a month! I have been a reader since right before your lapband surgery and followed your break-up with Tracy (?) and life with she-who-must-not-be-named and have followed you on IG for ages. Yes, PLEASE do write all of the above mentioned posts! Particularly the healing/moving on parts! Don’t be a blog-tease, lol!

  4. So good to see your most recent blogposts. I have followed you since the beginning and have missed your musings and fabulous writing! I hope you find the time to post as you have been missed so much!

  5. Yay!!! I just now realized you started it back up! This pleases me.

  6. I'm excited to read about your journey, especially how you found peace with yourself.
