Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Things You NEVER Worry About...We Lost Our Jobs

On July 22nd, Heather and I were called into work and fired. 

Well, they don't use that term.

They call it "separation of employement".

I guess that is supposed to make it better.

Heather and I both worked for a hospital system here in Pensacola.  She had been with them over a decade, and I was nearing my 8 year mark.

Our facility is the mental health provider for the community, and to avoid details and a very long story, Heather and I were very concerned about a new hire who had recently been in our programs as a client.  I went to HR (my department) and spoke to a director about my concerns (safety being the primary concern)...and two days later it was determined that both Heather and myself had violated this individuals rights to privacy...and we were fired.

Those first days after we were fired were full of tears. You go through all the emotions. Hurt, anger, happiness,  etc.  Of course, I cried much more than Heather.  I was scared that we would have no money coming in, but more than fear, it was intense sadness.  Work had been part of our family.  We loved our jobs.  We loved the mission.  The week before we were fired...we were rockstar employees.  Heather wanted to retire from there. I was just hurt.

But you can only be hurt and cry for so long.  Clearly, those of you who know me, know that I don't really save money. I am more about spending it.  So I had no savings.  Heather had no savings.  I have no credit cards.  Heather wouldn't want to use her credit cards.  I didn't know how we were going to make it until we found new jobs.

And that's when our friends and families showed up in ways I couldnt have even imagined.  A couple of people sent us money and gift cards in the mail.  Some of our friends organized a surprise party for us at the beach...where they lifted our spirits and collected money.  Some of our friends brought food to our house, invited us to their houses for dinners, left beer on the front doorstep.  Someone even called the power company and paid $100 towards our powerbill.  One of our friends paid for our air conditioner to be fixed. Our cowokers wrote letters to employee relations stating how appalled they were that we were fired. 

It was a tremendous amount of love.

We are surrounded by good people in our lives.

However, we still don't have a job.  We have applied, if  you combine both of our applications, for close to 70 jobs.  I have had 2 interviews. Heather will have her 2nd one today.

It's discouraging.

I know that I am talented.  I know that I have gifts that come natural to me.  But I hate having to sell myself on a resume.  If I could just get face-to-face with someone...I could hook them.

I realize that when we live in this cyber world, we often are not aware of what each other do in the "real world".  I have worked in corporate Education & Training for over 8 years.  I am a corporate trainer and a public speaker.  I specialize in leadership development but have also been responsible for new employee onboarding.  I have a degree in Communication, with an emphasis in Corporate Communication.  We live in Pensacola, FL...but I hate the heat and would love to move somewhere where there are actual seasons.  The problem with moving is...we have four dogs.  I have applied for jobs in Colorado, Chicago, Oklahoma, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, & Boston.  I want a job that I can make a difference, enjoy, and grow.

There you go.

Heather has a degree in Exercise science and managed the Activity Center for our organization.  She led therapeutic groups and classes for our clients, ages 5-90.  She specializes in working with seniors, and that is really where her passion is.  Of course she is a personal trainer as well.

So keep your ears out for us!  It never hurts.

Perhaps I should use some of my "retirement" time to blog more!

Perhaps I shall.

The Day I Almost Became A Real Runner

Well I have been running again.  Not like I had COMPLETELY stopped, but for several months...I was only running once or twice...which honestly...could be worse for me than not running at all.  But as we know...I rather hate running.  Or jogging.  Or wogging.  I even actually hate walking.  (Although I am extremely grateful that my legs work and I CAN walk).  But, at the beginning of October, we have an obstacle course race, SuperHero Scramble, that we have been signed up for since last year.  And it's 13.1 miles.  A half-marathon obstacle course race.  SO, I decided last month I better lace up the old Nike Pegasus's and venture out for a plodding.  It was terrible.  It felt like my legs were cement.  And for 3 weeks, my pace was around 13:30 min/mile.  Back in my heyday (like February of this year) I was closer to a 10 min/mile. Finally, last week I had the push I needed to speed up.

A prairie dog.

And I don't mean this furry little critter pictured above. 

I mean the kind in your pants.

I was gonna poop my pants. 

Like any good runner in training, I always try and go to the bathroom before I set out.  But for SOME reason, nothing was coming to knock on the backdoor until about 1 mile out.  When you first feel the urge to go on a run, you run (did you like that pun) several scenarios through your mind. 

#1.  You could turn around and go home.
#2.  You will use mind over matter and pretend everything is fine.
#3.  If it happens to be the opposite of something yellow that you could let mellow, much like the situation I was in, you start to think maybe it will just "go back up".
#4.  You start scouting out potential areas that you can make a "natures pit stop". 

I was employing numbers 2-4.  I wasn't going to turn around. I had set a goal of 5 miles...and I was gonna do it damn it.  However, at mile 2...things got touch and go.  I kept seeing that picture that has gone viral of the runner who, I think he was wearing yellow shorts, had a little accident in his pants.

It was either commitment.  Or diarrhea.

Either way, I didn't want to be that dude.

So I started running as fast as I could.

My little legs just MOVING.  Heather usually runs ahead of me and turns back to meet me and run besides me for a second.  She was having a hard time keeping up.  That's how serious it was.  And she wears headphones when she runs, and thus...can't really hear.  So when she commented on my speed, I am yelling "I HAVE TO POOP"...

She still can't hear me.


She just stares at me.

So on the way back I had to slow down to a walk and do the "squeeze".  I run for the most part, in a residential neighborhood.  There were no nooks and crannies for bathroom breaks.  I started to get know the ones I am talking about?  Poop induced goosebumps?

But I made it.  I made it home. 

And thank God I didn't try and go in a ditch.  Because it wasn't really a prairie dog.  It was more like a firesnake. 

I happen to run with a little fanny pack to hold my phone.  I am gonna sneak in a little ziplock of baby wipes juuuuuust in case I am confronted with this situation again. 

A wogger must always be prepared!